Customer Testimonials

Here’s what some of our customers have to say about us


Renovation Specialist


As a renovation company working on top end residential projects we have no problems recommending and using services provided by Josh from Golds Electrical . He is very professional, has an extensive knowledge and he is an awesome communicator. 
The work quality he provides along with his ability to meet deadlines and work on preset budgets makes everyone's experience an enjoyable one.
We are looking forward to working with you on many of our projects .


Kirsty Harrington

Ray White Millwater
Property Manager 


We have been using Josh at Golds Electrical for all our electrical needs for our properties for a year now and wouldn't go anywhere else, he has provided a fast, efficient and reliable service every time, and is always able to follow our instructions with our tenants, we highly recommend Golds Electrical.


Matthew Morrison

Director / Certified Plumber and Gas Fitter
Deluxe Plumbing and Gas


We have had the privilege to work with Golds Electrical for the past year to assist with Gas Hobs, Gas Califonts, Ovens, Hot Water Installations, and many more projects. Golds Electrical is our recommended Electrician and we stand by their workmanship and we are proud to work closely along side them.

Vantage RV


Vantage RV carries out repairs, conversions and modifications to motorhomes, caravans and other recreational vehicles, majority of the vehicles being of high end value.
We are particular when choosing to work with a sub-contractor,  as there is no compromise when delivering top quality workmanship to our customers. 
Josh is knowledgeable, professional, pays attention to detail and always meets the deadlines. No job is too big or too small.
We will highly recommend Golds Electrical to any of our clients, family or friends.